Thursday, March 15, 2012

Don’t let the tank break the bank


Driving a truck is a fun and rewarding job but it can also be stressful, especially when fuel prices are high and just keep going higher. Filling up a 20 gallon or more tank is no joke and when you have to do it a couple times a day… well, let’s just say that it really hurts. But what can you do? You have to keep moving in order to get paid. So the real question is how can you get the most fuel out of your hard earned money?

To help drivers answer this question, CR England has compiled some fuel management tips. Good fuel management means not only do you have to stop less, but you pay less. Who doesn’t want more money? You may be surprised and what simply managing your fuel efficiency can do.

The first fuel management tip deals with shift optimization. Did you know that newer engines actually run better at a lower RPM? Shifting as soon as the engine speed is high enough will allow you to keep your RPM down. Try to stay below 1300 RPM, as this significantly improves fuel economy. Torque is higher at lower RPM and is more effective.

One aspect of fuel management you might not have considered before is tire tread and brand. Your tires actually can have quite an effect on your mpg. In fact, if you are driving below 50 mph, tires make the biggest difference in your fuel efficiency. Here are some facts for you to think about: half tread tires are 6% better on mpg than full tread tires and ribbed tires are 2-4% better on fuel economy than lugged tires.

Did you ever think that the type of tire you have could make that big of a difference? Even the brand of tire makes a difference of up to .5 mpg. Tire condition and inflation is also important when trying to maintain your mpg.

Another thing to think about when monitoring your fuel efficiency is your driving behavior. Do you speed up quickly or stop abruptly? Smooth acceleration and breaking will marginally help raise your fuel efficiency. Also, how often do you stop during the day? Not simply stopping at a red light or stop sign, but stopping for food, showers, or fuel?

If you can, consolidate the number of times you stop. If you are going to a truck stop to take a shower, are there restaurants or stores within walking distance where you can get food? This will also greatly increase your fuel efficiency as each stop costs approximately one third of a gallon to get back up to speed.

Also keep in mind that each time you deviate from your designated route, you are costing yourself money. Keep up on your maintenance, some fuel efficiency problems can be because of malfunctioning parts.

Fuel prices go up. There really isn’t anything you can do about that. But there is something you can do to make sure you are making the best of it.

Want even more incentives to increase your fuel efficiency? Each quarter CR England holds a competition for drivers who raise their fuel efficiency. Winners of the competition will receive a raffle ticket and be entered to win a Harley Davidson motorcycle. To learn more about this promotion and what you need to do to enter, read about CR England’s “Win a Harley Program.”


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