Friday, March 9, 2012

CR England urges drivers to Drive Smart


Drive smart. These two simple words have a lot of meaning. They mean drive attentively, drive accordingly, and drive safe. When you are behind the wheel of any vehicle, especially a large truck, you need to be completely aware of what you are doing.

In the trucking industry, driving smart is a very important aspect that unfortunately gets overlooked more often than it should. Some truck drivers may think they are great drivers, they think they can do just about anything while they are driving, even if it includes talking on the phone, reading a map or even texting. All three of these activities are distractions and do exactly that, they distract you from your driving.

Driving smart isn’t just about your trucking company breathing down your neck. Not at all, it’s about you being safe. Safety should be your top priority in a truck driving job. You should always be aware of the safety of yourself and those around you. When you don’t drive smart, it’s not just you whom you are risking.

To help you do your best to drive smart, CR England has compiled some keys to keep in mind while on the road.

The first key is Sight Management. This doesn’t mean simply wearing glasses. It means actually seeing your surrounding and in return, making sure you are seen as well. The second key to driving smart is Focus on Your Future. Plan your trips before you take them. Program your GPS before you set out, find the best routes and the safest stops.

The next two keys really go hand in hand; Speed Management and Adjusting for Conditions. Managing your speed means knowing your limits and maintaining a safe pace. Maintaining a safe speed also means being aware of road conditions and driving accordingly. If the road is wet and icy, don’t put the pedal to the metal and see how fast you can make it. Take it slow and easy.

The last key to driving smart is Space Management. Keep your distances manageable. You need to know how much space you need to come to a complete stop and make sure you always have that room. You never know when the car ahead of you is going to slam on their breaks. You need to be ready. 

Another part of driving smart is making sure that you do not practice distracted driving. The U.S. DOT had identified three main types of distracted driving; visual, manual and cognitive.

Visual distracted driving means you take your eyes off the road. If you take your eyes off the road how can you see when a car pulls in front of you? Manual distracted driving is actively taking your hands off the steering wheel. The last form of distractive driving is cognitive, and means taking your mind off of driving, simply going through the motions.

Each form of distractive driving is very dangerous and when it comes down to it, it is simply not worth it. CR England’s goal for each and every one of their drivers is to get them home safely. We can only do this if you cooperate.

Remember that anything that takes your eyes off the road, hands off the steering wheel or mind off of driving is dangerous. To avoid dangerous or distracted driving, remember the keys to driving smart. Be smart, be safe and be alive.


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