Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Understanding Cell Phone Providers: Verizon Wireless


There is more to choosing a cell phone service provider than which service has the best phones. There are numerous aspects that have to be considered and in the trucking industry, one of the most important aspects is coverage.

With an over the road truck driving job, you constantly travel from one end of the continent to the other. In OTR trucking, you are also away from your family for days, weeks, even months at a time. Being gone this long, you want to be able to at least be able to talk to your family when you want.

As part of an ongoing investigation, we are reviewing the top cell phone providers in the U.S. beginning with Verizon Wireless.

Verizon Wireless is said to be the service provider if you are looking for coverage. Whether you are looking for data or voice coverage, Verizon’s “Can you hear me?”  slogan covers the nation.

Verizon wireless has multiple plans available and each plan has multiple options such as data and text. For those truck drivers with families, you may want to select a family plan as it is usually less expensive than multiple individual plans. Verizon family plans range from 700 shared minutes to unlimited minutes.

However, if you don’t have anyone who you would like to share a plan with, Verizon Wireless does have single-line plans. For those truck drivers who travel both the U.S. and Canada, Verizon had a Nationwide Plus Canada plan. With this plan you won’t receive roaming fees for calling internationally. There is also a Nationwide Plus Mexico plan.

If, however, you are not an international driver and are simply driving the U.S. the Nationwide Single-Line plan would be for you. You can select a number of anytime minutes ranging from 450 to unlimited. Like the family plans, you can also select multiple messaging and data plans.

Along with their numerous phone plans, Verizon Wireless also has a number of mobile devices you can choose from. These devices range from smartphones and basic phones. A basic phone will not have all the bells and whistles of a smartphone, but with the correct plan, you will still be able to make phone calls. If that’s all you want to do, then a basic phone would be something you might want to consider.

If, however, you are more of a techy and you want all the bells and whistles, Verizon has a smartphone for you. Verizon has smartphones such as the DROID, iPhone, Spectrum and many, many more.

If you are looking for a service plan with top-ranking coverage and plenty of options, Verizon Wireless might be one phone service provider you want to consider.

However, if Verizon Wireless doesn’t seem like the type of provider you are looking for, then there are plenty more.

To read more about choosing a service provider, see our article on Understanding Cell Phone Providers.


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