Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Managing your mile per gallon

Did you know that 25 percent of all operating costs for a fleet of trucks come from the cost of fuel? Think for a second how much 25 percent really is… Say you make $100 per day. 25% of that is 25. This means that every day you are paying $25 for gas, meaning that you are really only making $75 per day.

To some people, this may not seem like too much, but $25 a day really adds up. In fact, in one week $25 per day adds up to $175, in one month it is $5,425. Imagine having the expense of $5,425 a month for fuel. Just looking at that number hurts.

Knowing how the price of fuel adds up, you might now be asking what can you do about it? Fuel is a necessary part of any truck driving job, unless you can find a truck that can run on electricity. So, since fuel is a must-have part of your job what you need to do is figure out how you can get the most out of each and every drop. Remember that even a two or three percent difference can make a big impact.



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