Friday, August 3, 2012

Ten Tips to Fall Asleep


We’ve all had nights when no matter what we do, sleep eludes us. Whether it’s because our minds are going a million miles per hour or we’re simply not tired, it seems that no matter what we cannot fall asleep. So, what do you do when you must sleep because you have a long day of driving ahead of you and you can’t afford to be tired?

In this article, you will find ten tips that will give you what you need to fall asleep and get a good night’s rest.

1: Turn off your TV and computer.

Both your TV and computer are stimulating devices. They encourage your mind to be alert by a consistent wave of information. By turning off these devices, you will be able to relax your mind will not have anything to keep your mind occupied. Once your mind is relaxed it is easier to drift into the sweet oblivion of sleep.

2: Make your room dark.

Light is another stimulator for the mind. Light tells you that it is time to be awake and active. This does not include only lamps or sun light, bright clocks or cell phone lights can also make it harder for you to sleep. Besides telling you that you need to be awake, light can encourage your eyes to look around, which will in turn stimulate your mind.

3: Don’t play video games right before bed.

Playing video games is yet another way to… can you guess it... stimulate your mind. The fast movement or interesting story line of a video game wakes your mind up and gets the juices going. For instance, playing a game like Modern Warfare gets your thinking about strategic places to hide, ways to invade the enemy territory and better your ratios. Now that’s a lot for your brain to go over and will wake you up, not put you to sleep. Have you ever wondered why when you started playing the game you were getting tired then the next thing you know it’s hours past your bedtime?

After these first three tips, are you starting to see a pattern? In most cases, too much brain stimulation before bed equals staying awake. Now that you know a few things you shouldn’t do, here are a few that you should.

4: Drink a relaxing beverage.

Drinking something like warm milk or warm herbal tea is a great way to relax your muscles and get you in the perfect mindset for bed. This works because heat relaxes muscles while cold makes them tighter, so drinking a warm beverage is a great way to let go of the stresses of the day.

Herbal tea, particularly chamomile tea, also has a soft fragrance to help you relax and a smooth taste that is not too strong, but rather light to help you sink into your sleep.

5: Make yourself comfortable

Being in a comfortable position is vital to getting a good night’s sleep. By making sure your body is inline and your neck isn’t scrunched one way or the other, you are able to relax and let yourself go to sleep.

6: Find a white noise.

For some people, noise is very distracting while they are trying to sleep. A dog barking next store, a loud car passing the house and a train barreling down the tracks can make falling asleep seem impossible. So, try drowning out these noised with a soft and consistent noise. There are machines or CDs that replicate noises such as a steady heartbeat, soft waves against a sandy beach, a light rainfall and many other sounds. One of the key elements to good background noise is constancy. You don’t want something that will suddenly change tone and wake you up right as you were falling asleep, we all know how annoying that is.

7: Healthy habits during the day.

The things you do during your day have a very big impact on how well you are able to fall asleep. If you had a stressful day, you may find yourself staying awake thinking of what you should have said or what you will do tomorrow. It’s a fact of life that we are all going to have stressful days here and there, but there are things we can do to make sure it doesn’t have such a big impact. One of these things is exercise. Exercise is one of the best stress releases, even better than chocolate. It is also proven that good daily exercise actually improves sleep. It both helps you fall asleep faster and have a deeper, more restful sleep.

8: Relaxing techniques.

Before going to bed, try a few techniques to relax your body and mind. These can include stretching, but not a strenuous stretch, just one that will help you rid your body of tension. While you are stretching, try playing soft music. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and move slowly, focusing on your actions, letting both your mind and body relax.

9: Read a boring book.

I know that at the beginning of this article it was clear mind stimulation is bad, but a boring book definitely not stimulating. Who hasn’t had the experience when you are reading a text book and for the life of you, you just can’t stay awake? Try getting out a text book at bed time, read a few boring pages then easily fall asleep. Besides helping you sleep, reading a text book at night will help you learn.

10: Daydream.

How often during the day do you look out the window and get lost in dreams? Then you look at your clock and get surprised by how much time has gone by. Daydreaming is a great way to relax both your body and your mind. While you lay in bed, imagine yourself flying through the starry sky, nothing around you but a gentle summer breeze. Your body is weightless and you can fly forever… Soon you will find yourself flying straight into dream land.

The question of how to fall asleep faster is a life-long question, one that billions of people have been asking for years. There have been studies on it and doctors who have dedicated their entire career to finding an answer. There are plenty of methods out there and not all of them work for everybody. Sleep is a vital part of our daily lives. It affects everything we do and not getting enough of it can be very damaging. Don’t sell yourself short, use these helpful tips to make sure you get the sleep you need. Pleasant dreams. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Managing your mile per gallon

Did you know that 25 percent of all operating costs for a fleet of trucks come from the cost of fuel? Think for a second how much 25 percent really is… Say you make $100 per day. 25% of that is 25. This means that every day you are paying $25 for gas, meaning that you are really only making $75 per day.

To some people, this may not seem like too much, but $25 a day really adds up. In fact, in one week $25 per day adds up to $175, in one month it is $5,425. Imagine having the expense of $5,425 a month for fuel. Just looking at that number hurts.

Knowing how the price of fuel adds up, you might now be asking what can you do about it? Fuel is a necessary part of any truck driving job, unless you can find a truck that can run on electricity. So, since fuel is a must-have part of your job what you need to do is figure out how you can get the most out of each and every drop. Remember that even a two or three percent difference can make a big impact.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Trucking’s Hottest State


Imagine driving down a long road on a hot summer day. Nothing surrounds you but dry, hot, barren desert. You can feel the midday sun beating through your windows and even though your air conditioning is on full blast, you still feel like it’s 100 degrees.

Most truck drivers know this feeling, especially those drivers that drive from one hot state to another. Oftentimes when you are driving from state to state in the summer heat, it seems as though the state you are currently in is the hottest, but how true is that? Which state is truly the hottest in the continental U.S.? The answer might surprise you.

The hottest state in the continental U.S. is Florida with an average year-round temperature of 70.73. Now, I know what you’re thinking. How can Florida be the hottest state when places like Texas have reached temperatures of 120? The key words here are year-round. Florida’s combined temperatures for the year average 70 degrees. Because Florida doesn’t get much colder than 65 in many places and not much hotter than 90, the average temperature and the temperature that occurs most often is about 70. The average temperature of Texas is 64.83.

Now, that’s all good for a year-round temperature, but what about the heat that really makes a difference? What about the summer heat, which state has the hottest summers? This answer might surprise you too.

The state with the hottest summer ever recorded is actually Oklahoma. In the year 2011 Oklahoma had an average temperature of 86.9 degrees, while Texas averaged 86.7 degrees. So, Oklahoma only beat Texas by .2 degrees, but hotter is hotter.

Like with Florida, these temperatures are an average of summer temperatures. Throughout the course of the summer, both states reached temperatures well above 86 degrees, even crossing beyond 100 on multiple occasions.

Honestly, most of the states in the south-central region and southeastern corner of the country are considered to be the “hottest.” With temperatures that most often don’t get too cold, the average temperatures of these states are pretty steady. However, when you find yourself crossing places such as the Mojave Desert, be prepared for scorching heat. The highest temperature recorded in the Mojave Desert is 125. That’s hot!

When you find one of these places on your truck driving route, be prepared for some real summer heat. Make sure you have plenty of water and a working air conditioner. As a truck driver, you will experience some hot roads, all you can do is make sure you are ready for it.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Truckers Against Trafficking: Take a Stand


Each year there are over 17,500 people trafficked into the United States. They are transported by boat, plane, train, bus and truck. This is a staggering number, and the information only gets worse. Human trafficking is a billion dollar industry, second only to drug trafficking. It is prevalent in all areas of the world, including the United States.

Currently, there are more than 300,000 American children in the human trafficking industry. These children are forced into a lifestyle they have no control over and literally become slaves. These children are taken from their homes at a young age and sold repeatedly for many purposes including manual labor and prostitution. The average age for children in the trafficking world is thirteen to fifteen years old, with a life expectancy of seven to nine years beyond that.

Human trafficking is a real and ever-present danger and it has to stop. Now, you may be reading this thinking what can I do? The truth is, you can do a lot. You don’t even have to put yourself out there, you don’t have to do a single thing except make a phone call. When you are at a truck stop or anywhere else and you notice something strange, call it in.

There is an organization called Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) that specializes in providing help to those children who find themselves caught in the world of human trafficking. TAT was founded because the trucking industry has been targeted by traffickers as a premium industry for their business. The constant movement of truck drivers provides traffickers with the ultimate climate to sell and transport their “cargo”, which in this case is young boys and girls.

Realizing this, TAT has implemented a program to educate truck drivers across the nation that this problem is there and that they can do something about it, all you need is a phone. There is a hotline (1-888-373-7888) implemented by TAT for drivers to call when they see suspicious activity. When calling this hotline you do not need to give any personal information, just tell them what you see.

If you see young women walking around the truck stop, don’t just roll your eyes at the “lot lizards” and go to sleep. Pick up your phone and call the police or the Truckers Against Trafficking hotline. You may think that you can’t make a difference, but you can. Mark, a truck driver for more than 30 years, remembers a time when he had the chance to make a call:

“I’ve been in the transportation industry since 1971 and I remember one time about 31 years ago I pulled into a truck stop, it was night and I was doing some paperwork. I noticed some girls going from truck to truck. Then a little bit later, I heard a knock on my door. I looked out the window and saw a girl standing there, so I got out and she asked me if I wanted a date. She was probably about thirteen or fourteen, really young. I said no, but let me ask you, why are you doing this? and she said, “See that Cadillac down there? That’s why.” I knew what she meant. I got back in my truck and I thought, why don’t I just walk across the parking lot and call the police? It would be easy, just walk across and call. Well… I didn’t do it. I didn’t do it and it’s been bothering me for 31 years. I feel that if people were aware, if they would just get involved… it’s just a simple phone call. Don’t let it bother you the rest of your life. It’s just a phone call, but it can make a big difference.”

Mark’s story is one where there was not a call made. However, there is also a story where the call was made and it made all the difference in the world. Shari was fifteen when she and her cousin, age 14, were kidnapped and forced into prostitution. Every day was full of abuse and fear with no hope of escape. Then, one day Shari was rescued. She was back at home and her life was given back to her. The reason she was freed is because a truck driver made a call.

“I have a life now.” Shari said.  “I’m married to a great guy and have a daughter with a son on the way. I’m sitting here next to my mom and all this could have been taken away if it weren’t for a trucker who made the call.”

You may think that you alone could never make a difference, but that is not true. From this one call from one truck driver, seven other children were rescued, 31 offenders were convicted and a 13-state prostitution ring was shut down. You can make a big difference.

To learn more about how you can be an everyday hero, visit As a truck driver, you are the eyes and ears of this nation’s highways, you can see things on one else can. This also means you can help in a way that no one else can.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Overcoming the Challenges of Trucking


In the trucking industry, there are many great perks to life on the road. The ability to drive across the country and meet new people from all over the world is great. However, as with any industry, there are also challenges to a truck driving job.

According to the annual King of the Road Survey, the top challenge met by truck drivers is eating right. This is followed closely by coping with hours-of-service regulations and exercising. Each of these challenges provide a different level of difficulty to a truck driver’s life, affecting both their personal and professional lives.

To help truckers overcome or at least lessen these challenges, we have provided some tips concerning each topic. It is our hope that by reading these tips you will learn something that can help you improve your life as a truck driver.

Challenge number one, eating right. Practicing healthy eating habits are hard enough for most people without adding the difficulties of a trucking job onto it. As a truck driver you are constantly on the road with a strict schedule. This means that you do not always have the time to go to the grocery store and purchase healthy foods and even if you do find the time, it is rather difficult to cook in a truck…

One thing you may try is just making weekly or even bi-weekly shopping trips when you can purchase fruits and vegetables and perhaps lunch meats for light lunch sandwiches. To do this, you would need a refrigerated storage unit so your food will not spoil. You can also try some healthy dinners that can be fixed in a microwave.

In the King of the Road Survey the top snack foods were fresh fruit, nuts, M&M’s and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. The first snack, fruit, is a great choice. The second, mixed nuts, is also a good choice if eaten in moderation. Nuts are high in protein and if you eat too many you may find them adding to your weight problems. The last two snacks, M&M’s and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, are not quite the best choices for a mid-day snack.  If eaten sparingly, like once a week or less, these foods are okay but when eaten daily they can become a real problem.

Eating healthy with a truck driving job is not impossible. It does, however, take both time and dedication. It’s not easy, you need to exercise self-control but once you do start to eat healthy you will quickly find that the pros literally outweigh the cons.

Now for the next challenge, coping with the hours-of-service regulations. It is difficult to plan out your trip to the degree that you have every hour scheduled out, especially when there are so many variances like unplanned traffic congestion. The best way to be sure you are in accordance with your hours-of-service regulations is simply to do your best to plan ahead. To make a better trip plan, take into account the time of day, will you be driving during rush hour? The hours-of-service is meant to help drivers be safer on the road. If you are working against it, you will have a harder time with it.

The last trial that many truck drivers deal with is the challenge of exercising. After a long day of driving, most people are tired and one of the last things you want to do is get up and move about. If you do, however, you will find that you aren’t tired so easily and you will have many, many other benefits as well.

Exercise is a vital part of life. Not only does it keep your weight down, but it also has been proven to increase your lung capacity, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, help you sleep better and even improve your mood. If you are having trouble encouraging yourself to get up and exercise, think of all the things you can gain from it. Then, weigh this against what you will gain from not exercising…

Convincing yourself that you do indeed want to exercise is only half of the battle. Now you have to find a way to do it. Most people would simply go to the gym or exercise in their living room, but as a truck driver you don’t have that luxury. Know though that this does not mean exercise is impossible.

There are some exercises you can do right in your trailer during your break. These include sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks, leg rises, or certain yoga moves. If you don’t have the room to do all of this or are simply unable to exercise in your cab, there are other alternatives. Some truck drivers take their bicycles with them on the road, taking it out when they stop and finding a trail or simply riding around the truck stop. This is a great idea to help you lose weight and improve your health. You can also simply run around you truck.

Some truck stops have gyms available for their driver to use. This is a great option, but if there is no gym don’t let yourself use that as an excuse. Like eating healthy, exercising is difficult and takes a level of dedication and self-control but is definitely worth it.

Your truck driving job should enable you to live a better life. Don’t let your career stop you from a healthy and happy life. Combine your truck driving job with these few tips and you will see that overcoming your challenges is not impossible and that it really can help you live life to the fullest.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Audio Books on the Road


Having a truck driving job is a very rewarding experience. You get paid to travel the country, meet a wide variety of people and drive a really big truck. However, a truck driving job can get lonely. Driving hour after hour with nothing but the roar of your engine to keep you company can get wearing after a while. Even the musical talents of your radio can become monotonous and the longing to actually hear someone talking makes you realize how alone you really are. 

At times like this, when you feel like you are going crazy, the solution is simple: listen to a book. Really, listen to a book. You’ll be surprised at the difference it makes. When listening to a book, not only are you hearing the calming sound of a human voice speaking to you, but you are also being delightfully distracted by a story. Even as adults, most people enjoy being told a good story. The stimulation of your mind to create the scenes told in a story can also help you wake up a bit of you are feeling drowsy.

As a story unfolds, the characters will join you in the cab of your truck and you will likewise join them in their adventures. They can become your friends on the road, your companions through the long stretches of nothing but deserts or open fields. You may be surprised at how quickly you get involved with the story.

For those drivers who do not like story books, but prefer something a little more academic, there are plenty of text books or self-help books that have been recorded as well. Listening to one of these books can relieve your feeling of solitude by turning your thoughts inward, or toward the noble pursuit of knowledge. Having a truck driving job doesn’t have to mean being lonely anymore. You can have company on the road with you whenever you want, all you need to do is listen.

To learn more about truck driving and how you can begin your career as a successful truck driver, visit

Friday, June 15, 2012

Truck Driving School?


Going to truck driving school is the first step in beginning your career in truck driving. In trucking school you will receive the education and training you need to operate successfully on the road and in the end, you will have a CDL with your name on it. Because schooling is such a vital part of any trucker’s career, choosing which school to go to is also very important.

At CR England’s Premier Truck Driving School students are able to receive the education they need to drive a truck and upon successful completion of the school, England’s students are guaranteed a job with the company. There are plenty of trucking schools out there and each one has unique aspects to it. Some schools mostly take place in a classroom using diagrams and charts with very little hands-on training. On the other hand, there are schools that have little to no classroom training and focus primarily on hands-on training.

With C.R. England’s truck driving school students receive both teaching methods. With England’s classroom training students can learn the facts about truck driving and receive an understanding of the rules of the road. With England’s hands-on training students can get the feel of truck driving with their instructors guiding them. Also, with C.R. England students receive a special emphasis on safety making sure they are truly ready to drive a truck and drive it safely.

Besides training new drivers, CR England can also provide experienced drivers with a refresher course. If you already have our CDL but have been off the road for a while, C.R. England can help you brush up on your truck driving skills. England has 5 schools located throughout the U.S. and can also provide training to those drivers who have a CDL, but no driving experience.

At England’s truck driving school, both new and experienced drivers can get what they need to get on the road to their truck driving career. If you would like to learn more about CR England’s Premier Truck Driving School, visit their webpage and also learn how you can start your truck driving job today.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Zero Tuition Truck Driving School for June 18, 2012

Have you ever thought that you would really love to drive a truck, but simply can’t afford the training? After all, truck driving school nowadays usually costs about $3,000. Who can afford that when you don’t have a job.

CR England understands how difficult this can be, which is why we are currently running a promotion that will help you out. If you start truck driving school on June 18, 2012, you can go to school for ZERO TUITION! Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

We understand that sometimes finding the money to pay for truck driving school is difficult and we want to help out. Now, you might ask how can we afford to give away some of the best training in the industry? The answer is that the trucking industry is booming and the freight demand is higher than ever. Simply put, we need drivers. We need drivers and you need a job, so let’s help each other out.

CR England’s Premier truck driving school is a world-class program and is considered to be the best in the trucking industry. Our truck driving school puts a special emphasis on driver safety and efficiency. This three to four week program is a great start to a great career in trucking.

Upon successful completion of CR England’s Premier Truck Driving School, you are guaranteed a job with C.R. England and you will set out for your on-the-job training with a certified trainer.

To qualify to receive zero tuition, you must agree to a 6 month employment commitment with C.R. England. Upon arrival to CR England’s Premier Truck Driving School, a $50 administration fee is required.

C.R. England is pleased to offer this special of ZERO TUITION and to do our part in stimulating the employment market by providing training and guaranteeing job placement upon successful completion of CR England’s Premier truck driving school.

Don’t wait any longer. This offer is ONLY for classes starting June 18, 2012. Apply now and get started on your truck driving career.

To apply visit

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Safety First: Truck Stops


Truck stops are a vital part of any truck driving job. Whether you use them for overnight parking or for simply filling your tank, every truck driver has to pass through a truck stop at some point. That being said, there are some truck stops where it is better to stop at and some where all you want to do is drive past as fast as you can. But how are you supposed to know if a truck stop is good or not? In this article you will find a few suggestions on how you can tell if a truck stop is truly one where you should stop or not.

There are a few ways to tell at first sight whether a truck stop is preferable. One thing to look for is lighting. Are there a lot of dark areas in the parking lot or is the area pretty well lit. Usually, if the area is well lit you are pretty safe. Another thing to look at is the people walking around the truck stop. Do they look like people who should be there, people like truck drivers or truck stop staff? If you see a lot of questionable people walking around the parking lot then you might want to see if there is anywhere else you can make it to. You can also check out the area surrounding the truck stop. Check if the area seems clean or if it seems like it might be a problem area.

Another thing you might want to consider when looking at truck stops is maneuverability. Are the parking spaces large enough for your truck and are the aisled wide enough for you to maneuver safely? If you are in too tight a space it may increase the risk of an accident.

Some other ways you may be able to make sure you are stopping at a decent truck stop is by asking around. Try finding a truck driver that has been around long enough to know about different places, he may be willing to give you advice. If you stop at a truck stop and find that it is a bad area, try to see if there are any others close by that you could go to.

It is true that sometimes you don’t have the choice to stop or not, when you are out of hours you are out of hours. If this is the case then just be sure to take precautions to make sure both you and your truck are as safe as possible. Be wary of knocks on your door during the night and take a notice of your surroundings.

Truck driving safety does not stop once your truck does. You always need to be practicing safe habits. Remember that safety is always worth a little bit of extra effort.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Healthy Trucker: RoadApp to Wellness


Living a healthy lifestyle on the road can be really difficult at times, especially if you don’t know the area you are in. How are you supposed to know where good walking or biking trails are or even if there is a gym close to you? Well, a healthy road life just got a little easier with the first wellness app for the transportation industry; RoadApp to Wellness by Rolling Strong.

Rolling Strong created the RoadApp to encourage the trucking industry to get up and get healthy. With the app truckers can find information such as the nutritional value of a local restaurant. This ability will help truck drivers make healthy choices wherever they eat and will keep them on track to their healthy lifestyle.

Another great feature of the RoadApp is that it includes diabetes information and tools from Bayer HealthCare to better manage their health status. According to Rolling Strong, the RoadApp is designed specifically for the driver and their needs. With it, truck drivers can find information on common driver ailments and receive daily tips on how to stay healthy with their truck driving job.

Rolling Strong has also added trucker specific workout routines where drivers can learn some proper exercises using their truck. They can also see videos that contain driver health information. Drivers using the RoadApp can also select a link to the Center for Disease Control where they can find the very latest in health information. The app also contains locations of facilities such as clinics, Rolling Strong Snap Fitness gyms, and Pilot Flying J locations.

The Rolling Strong RoadApp to Wellness is a free app available to download at the Apple store. It is currently available for an iPhone, iPad or computer. However they do claim an Android version of the app is coming soon. The app can be used by both Rolling Strong members and non-members.

The RoadApp is a new and innovative way those with a truck driving job to get their health back and keep up a healthy lifestyle. Remember that it is never too late to make the switch to health and most importantly, that you can do it.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

C.R. England Memorial Day Special- Zero Tuition for May 29, 2012


Have you ever thought that you would really love to drive a truck, but simply can’t afford the training? After all, truck driving school nowadays usually costs about $3,000. Who can afford that when you don’t have a job.

CR England understands how difficult this can be, which is why we are currently running a promotion that will help you out. If you start truck driving school on May 29, 2012, you can go to school for ZERO TUITION! Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

We understand that sometimes finding the money to pay for truck driving school is difficult and we want to help out. Now, you might ask how can we afford to give away some of the best training in the industry? The answer is that the trucking industry is booming and the freight demand is higher than ever. Simply put, we need drivers. We need drivers and you need a job, so let’s help each other out.

CR England’s Premier truck driving school is a world-class program and is considered to be the best in the trucking industry. Our truck driving school puts a special emphasis on driver safety and efficiency. This three to four week program is a great start to a great career in trucking.

Upon successful completion of CR England’s Premier Truck Driving School, you are guaranteed a job with C.R. England and you will set out for your on-the-job training with a certified trainer.

To qualify to receive zero tuition, you must agree to a 6 month employment commitment with C.R. England. Upon arrival to CR England’s Premier truck driving school, a $50 administration fee is required.

C.R. England is pleased to offer this special of ZERO TUITION and to do our part in stimulating the employment market by providing training and guaranteeing job placement upon successful completion of CR England’s Premier truck driving school.

Don’t wait any longer. This offer is ONLY for classes starting May 29, 2012. Apply now and get started on your truck driving career.

To apply visit

Monday, May 21, 2012

Divisions of trucking


It is a well-known fact that there is variety in a truck driving job. Indeed, each day holds something different from your location to your load. However, what some may not know is that along with the variety of the job, there is also variety in the type job.

It’s true, if you want to be a truck driver, but don’t quite like the sound of an over the road lifestyle, check out the variety in some of the other divisions of trucking. CR England currently has five divisions of trucking, including national or over the road. The other divisions are Dedicated, Regional, Intermodal and International.

Dedicated trucking is a type of truck driving job where you are “dedicated” to a customer. With a Dedicated truck driving job you still have the opportunity to drive across the nation depending on where your customer is located. With Dedicated, truckers are able to find a more meaningful life off the road and a greater responsibility on it.

Regional truck driving means you drive a certain region of the United States. For example, you could cover the western region and drive between California, Utah and other western states. With Regional trucking, truckers are dealing with a short haul market and experiencing a truck driving job that is close to home and far from ordinary.

Intermodal trucking is a rising trend in transportation and CR England is quickly growing their presence in the Intermodal industry. With intermodal trucking, truck drivers generally drive between a local customer and rail yards or ship yards. Intermodal truck driving is a local position where drivers can have the opportunity to be home most nights.

International trucking literally crosses boarders and allows CR England to assist customers from countries such as Mexico and China. With International trucking, the transportation industry is able to reach new heights and become better than ever.

As you can see, there are plenty of truck driving options in the industry. If OTR trucking isn’t for you, try looking at some other divisions of trucking where you are sure to find one that fits you. To learn more about truck driving and how you can become a driver for C.R. England, visit our webpage and get started on your truck driving job today.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

GPS and Trucking


As a truck driver it is your job to cross the nation and often drive roads you have never seen before. This is a great opportunity to see new places and experience new things, but it can also be an opportunity to get lost. This is where the wonderful world of technology comes in. Today it is relatively easy to find your way wherever you with a simple push of a button. This is done through a GPS device.

GPS, or Global Positioning System, is a device which uses satellite technology to pinpoint locations and provide directions to and from just about anywhere in the United States. GPS technology originated from the U.S. military and has been put to use for many top notch military operations. It started small, by being used mainly for military functions but as technology grew, demand for public access also grew.

At first the quality of the Global Positioning System was lessened for public use, leaving the stronger quality for the military. However, in the year 2000 President Clinton ordered “selective availability” to be turned off and all quality access to be granted to the public. That was 2000 and it is now 2012 and much has changed in 12 years.

Now almost everyone, both on and off the road, has some form of GPS available to them. Whether that form is through a cellphone or specific GPS device, it is now easier to find your way in the world than it ever has been.

In the trucking industry GPS is paramount and is frequently used by both truck drivers and trucking companies. Drivers may use their device to find their way in a new area or to locate a restaurant close to their truck stop, while their trucking company can use GPS to locate their trucks and better plot trucking routes. Whatever the reason is, Global Positioning Systems are definitely useful in the trucking industry.

However, with this technology the trucking industry is also noticing a new kind of problem. This being that while GPS is great, some truck drivers are relying too much on this technology and forgetting important information such as how to read a map or follow directions.

GPS systems can be programmed to provide almost any information, but it is important to remember how to get along without it all the same, especially in the trucking industry. Think about this, if your GPS was somehow damaged and would not work where would you be without a map and the knowledge of how to read it? GPS is a great and useful tool, but it is important not to rely on it too much.

In the trucking industry it is important to know where you are at every moment, as each minute and each mile equals money. GPS is a great instrument for truck drivers and has been a very useful technology throughout every aspect of the trucking industry. It is expected that the use of Global Positioning Services will grow dramatically and will soon become even more prevalent than it currently is. GPS has come a long way since 2000, it will be interesting to see how this technology grows and where it takes in the next 12 years.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Receive Zero Tuition for May 21, 2012 with C.R. England


Have you ever thought that you would really love to drive a truck, but simply can’t afford the training? After all, truck driving school nowadays usually costs about $3,000. Who can afford that when you don’t have a job.

CR England understands how difficult this can be, which is why we are currently running a promotion that will help you out. If you start truck driving school on May 21, 2012, you can go to school for ZERO TUITION! Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

We understand that sometimes finding the money to pay for truck driving school is difficult and we want to help out. Now, you might ask how can we afford to give away some of the best training in the industry? The answer is that the trucking industry is booming and the freight demand is higher than ever. Simply put, we need drivers. We need drivers and you need a job, so let’s help each other out.

CR England’s Premier truck driving school is a world-class program and is considered to be the best in the trucking industry. Our truck driving school puts a special emphasis on driver safety and efficiency. This three to four week program is a great start to a great career in trucking.

Upon successful completion of CR England’s Premier truck driving school, you are guaranteed a job with C.R. England and you will set out for your on-the-job training with a certified trainer.

To qualify to receive zero tuition, you must agree to a 6 month employment commitment with C.R. England. Upon arrival to CR England’s Premier truck driving school, a $50 administration fee is required.

C.R. England is pleased to offer this special of ZERO TUITION and to do our part in stimulating the employment market by providing training and guaranteeing job placement upon successful completion of CR England’s Premier truck driving school.

Don’t wait any longer. This offer is ONLY for classes starting May 21, 2012. Apply now and get started on your truck driving career.

To apply visit

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Regional Truck Driving


C.R. England is one of the largest refrigerated trucking companies in the nation. With their highly developed OTR fleet, England reaches coast to coast. There is a lot to be said about over the road trucking. Indeed, it is what most people think of when they think of truck driving jobs; sleeping in the cab for weeks on end, driving across the nation and seeing many different states. However, OTR isn’t the only type of truck driving out there.

Did you know that there are some truck driving jobs that don’t keep you away all the time or that don’t make you drive from California to New York? Did you know there are truck driving options? If you have always wanted a truck driving job, but have been skeptic about OTR, there is still hope.

Many trucking companies, CR England included, have more choices for drivers than OTR trucking. They also have various Divisional lanes including a Regional lane. CR England’s Regional lane provides drivers with the opportunity to enjoy the life of a truck driver while being able to stay on one side of the continent.

With England’s Regional lane, you are assigned to a set section of the United States and you don’t go outside of your assigned area. Usually, the assigned area covers about 5 or 6 states and you only drive between those states.

One of the benefits of driving Regional is that you are able to become more familiar with your route. While you are carrying loads for different customers, you will not be leaving your designated region. Some Regional truck driving divisions also allow drivers to be home more often than OTR driving. However, this is on a case by case basis and there are still plenty of others that provide drivers with the opportunity to be out on the road, hitting those miles just as much as any over the road truck driving job.

Regional truck driving is a great option for those drivers who want a change from OTR and is just one of CR England’s many truck driving options. To see more truck driving opportunities with CR England, visit our webpage on Dedicated Division.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Receive Zero Tuition for May 14, 2012 with C.R. England


Have you ever thought that you would really love to drive a truck, but simply can’t afford the training? After all, truck driving school nowadays usually costs about $3,000. Who can afford that when you don’t have a job.

CR England understands how difficult this can be, which is why we are currently running a promotion that will help you out. If you start truck driving school on May 14, 2012, you can go to school for ZERO TUITION! Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

We understand that sometimes finding the money to pay for truck driving school is difficult and we want to help out. Now, you might ask how can we afford to give away some of the best training in the industry? The answer is that the trucking industry is booming and the freight demand is higher than ever. Simply put, we need drivers. We need drivers and you need a job, so let’s help each other out.

CR England’s Premier truck driving school is a world-class program and is considered to be the best in the trucking industry. Our truck driving school puts a special emphasis on driver safety and efficiency. This three to four week program is a great start to a great career in trucking.

Upon successful completion of CR England’s Premier truck driving school, you are guaranteed a job with C.R. England and you will set out for your on-the-job training with a certified trainer.

To qualify to receive zero tuition, you must agree to a 6 month employment commitment with C.R. England. Upon arrival to CR England’s Premier truck driving school, a $50 administration fee is required.

C.R. England is pleased to offer this special of ZERO TUITION and to do our part in stimulating the employment market by providing training and guaranteeing job placement upon successful completion of CR England’s Premier truck driving school.

Don’t wait any longer. This offer is ONLY for classes starting May 14, 2012. Apply now and get started on your truck driving career.

To apply visit

Friday, May 4, 2012

Understanding Cell Phone Providers: Sprint


For the past few months we have taken a look at different cell phone providers to help those of you in the trucking industry looking for cell phones better understand what is out there. So far we’ve covered Verizon Wireless and AT&T. We’ve taken a look at coverage, talk and data plans, and even some of their phones. Now we are going to look at Sprint.

Sprint is one cell phone provider that is quickly rising in the mobile industry. With its recent acquisition of the iPhone and the promise of truly unlimited data, Sprint is quickly attracting more and more customers.

Sprint has many great features that will satisfy both those who are looking for more than just a phone and those who simply want to make calls. On their website, Sprint shows coverage maps to enable you to see the coverage in your area for voice, 4G, 3G and Direct Connect. Sprint also has a growing variety of phones including smart phones. On their website, Sprint allows you to compare up to 4 phones so you can find which one is the best for you.

Along with their phone selection, Sprint has a well-rounded plan selection. When choosing plans, Sprint has options for both singles and families. If you have at least 2 people, the family plan can save about $11 or more.

One of the nice things about choosing Sprint as your cell phone provider is that their data plan is combined with the initial plan, making it so you don’t have to select each and every option such as text, talk and data, separately. This helps to lessen the confusion when choosing your plan and helps you keep a running total of cost easier.

Sprint is one of the less expensive service providers, which really helps if you are on a strict budget. Some special features that come with Sprint are exclusive apps with unlimited NBA and NASCAR and Google Wallet. Sprint can also provide GPS services, which can definitely come in handy for any truck driving job.

Sprint is definitely growing and quickly becoming a good choice for those who are looking to both have coverage and save money. It is important to understand cell phone providers before you select your service so you can be sure you are getting everything you need. To answer more questions about cell phone providers or to learn more about other services, take a look at some of our previous articles and keep a look out for more to come.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

CR England Drivers of the Month

C.R. England has recognized four drivers in their fleet of over 6,000 drivers nationwide as Drivers of the Month for April, 2012.

“We are pleased to acknowledge these drivers as examples of excellence in our industry, said Brandon Harrison, Vice President, National and Regional Divisions for C.R. England. “Each is a true professional working every day to safely deliver their loads on time to our customers.”

Assoumane Guero is a driver in England’s Midwest Division, based in Chicago, IL. Guero was recognized for his driving skills, worth ethic and courtesy. He is consistently a top performer in maximizing his miles per gallon performance and has an exceptional on time delivery record. He has been driving for two years and for C.R. England for six months. Originally from Niger, Africa, Assoumane came to the U.S. in 2007 and today lives in Greensboro, NC.

Chad Lange is an over-the-road driver in England’s National Division. Lang was recognized for his effective communication skills and his willingness to help transport other drivers who need to recover or drop loads. He has been driving for 23 years, all with C.R. England. He makes his home in Kearns, UT.

Harmony Lauritzen is an over-the-road driver in England’s National Division based in Ohio. She is known for making safety a priority and for her reliability in delivering loads on time. A veteran of the U. S. Army, Lauritzen served two tours of duty overseas and likes to write in her spare time. She lives in Mansfield, OH.

Ludovick Weigand is also an over-the-road driver in England’s National Division. Weigand has been with C. R. England almost two years and is recognized for his work as a trainer for students and drivers who are new to the company. He currently has driven more than 500,000 safe miles and resides in Easton, PA. He is a former U.S. Marine.

About C.R. England:

Founded in 1920, C.R. England, Inc. corporate headquarters are located in Salt Lake City, Utah and is one of North America’s largest transportation companies and the world’s largest temperature-controlled carrier. C.R. England services include National, Mexico and Regional Truckload service in addition to Dedicated and Intermodal services. Visit


Monday, April 30, 2012

Zero Tuition CDL Training

Have you ever thought that you would really love to drive a truck, but simply can’t afford the training? After all, truck driving school nowadays usually costs about $3,000. Who can afford that when you don’t have a job.
CR England understands how difficult this can be, which is why we are currently running a promotion that will help you out. If you start truck driving school on May 7, 2012, you can go to school for ZERO TUITION! Sound too good to be true? It’s not.<br /><br />
We understand that sometimes finding the money to pay for truck driving school is difficult and we want to help out. Now, you might ask how can we afford to give away some of the best training in the industry? The answer is that the trucking industry is booming and the freight demand is higher than ever. Simply put, we need drivers. We need drivers and you need a job, so let’s help each other out. <br /><br />
CR England’s Premier truck driving school is a world-class program and is considered to be the best in the trucking industry. Our truck driving school puts a special emphasis on driver safety and efficiency. This three to four week program is a great start to a great career in trucking. <br /><br />
Upon successful completion of CR England’s Premier truck driving school, you are guaranteed a job with C.R. England and you will set out for your on-the-job training with a certified trainer. <br /><br />
To qualify to receive zero tuition, you must agree to a 6 month employment commitment with C.R. England. Upon arrival to CR England’s Premier truck driving school, a $50 administration fee is required. <br /><br />
C.R. England is pleased to offer this special of ZERO TUITION and to do our part in stimulating the employment market by providing training and guaranteeing job placement upon successful completion of CR England’s Premier truck driving school. <br /><br />
Don’t wait any longer. This offer is ONLY for classes starting May 7, 2012. Apply now and get started on your truck driving career. To apply visit

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

C.R. England Awards a Harley-Davidson in MPG Promotion


C.R. England has awarded a Harley-Davison Sportster Iron 883to one of its top drivers for showing improvement in Mile Per Gallon Average (MPG) and Average Idle percentage for the First Quarter 2012.

Devery Hope was selected as the Harley-Davison winner among five finalists. Hope is currently a C. R. England company driver in the National Division and drives a 2012 Freightliner Cascadia. He has been with C.R. England since August of 2010 and lives in the Sacramento, California area. Hope was able to achieve a 7.48 MPG as well as a 6.5 percent idle time. He was well above 5 tenths greater than his peers in both his fleet and the National Division. Hope attributes his success to following the tips he receives from the Operations and Fuel departments. He concentrates on progressive shifting, staying in top gear as much as possible and trying to rarely idle his truck.

The other finalists included Brad Middlemas, Container Division Driver; Robert Perryman, Dedicated Division independent contractor; Frederick Stadel, National Division independent contractor; and Dale Gibbons, Company Intermodal driver.

The Iron 883model is the anti-chrome motorcycle―decked in black from front to back with a defiant attitude that embraces the pure essence of riding. Black powder-coated 883cc engine with black rocker covers. Black chopped fenders that show off a lot of rubber. Black front forks with gators add an old-school look. Black oil tank cover, belt guard and drag bars. And black cast aluminum wheels that shoot Iron 883motorcycle into the modern rebel culture and keeps the rebellious fire burning with plenty of freedom for customization.

The promotion ran from January 1, 2012 through March 31, 2012. In order to qualify, drivers must have met the following requirements: Driver’s availability at 75percent or higher for 1st quarter and no chargeable late loads. Competition included all drivers (Company and Independent Contractor) that had a start date no later than January 1, 2012.

C.R. England’s partners in the promotion are Golden Spike Harley-Davidson, Warner Truck Center, Horizon Truck and Leasing, Loves Travel Stops, and Pilot Flying J.

About Golden Spike Harley-Davidson

Golden Spike Harley-Davidson, located in Ogden, Utah, is named after the historic event that took place at Promontory Point in which the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroad companies met, to form the first Transcontinental Railroad on May 10, 1869. The event was commemorated with the driving of a Gold Spike connecting the two railroads. Golden Spike Harley-Davidson is a full service dealership servicing Northern Utah motorcycle enthusiasts. Considered by most to be the �friendliest‖ Harley-Davidson dealership, its small town attitude is combined with world class service and technical expertise, along with a full selection of bikes, parts and apparel.

About C.R. England

Founded in 1920, C.R. England, Inc. corporate headquarters are located in Salt Lake City, Utah and is one of North America’s largest transportation companies and the world’s largest temperature-controlled carrier. C.R. England services include National, Mexico and Regional Truckload service in addition to Dedicated and Intermodal services.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Receive Zero Tuition for April 30, 2012 with C.R. England


Have you ever thought that you would really love to drive a truck, but simply can’t afford the training? After all, truck driving school nowadays usually costs about $3,000. Who can afford that when you don’t have a job.

CR England understands how difficult this can be, which is why we are currently running a promotion that will help you out. If you start truck driving school on April 30, 2012, you can go to school for ZERO TUITION! Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

We understand that sometimes finding the money to pay for truck driving school is difficult and we want to help out. Now, you might ask how can we afford to give away some of the best training in the industry? The answer is that the trucking industry is booming and the freight demand is higher than ever. Simply put, we need drivers. We need drivers and you need a job, so let’s help each other out.

CR England’s Premier truck driving school is a world-class program and is considered to be the best in the trucking industry. Our truck driving school puts a special emphasis on driver safety and efficiency. This three to four week program is a great start to a great career in trucking.

Upon successful completion of CR England’s Premier truck driving school, you are guaranteed a job with C.R. England and you will set out for your on-the-job training with a certified trainer.

To qualify to receive zero tuition, you must agree to a 6 month employment commitment with C.R. England. Upon arrival to CR England’s Premier truck driving school, a $50 administration fee is required.

C.R. England is pleased to offer this special of ZERO TUITION and to do our part in stimulating the employment market by providing training and guaranteeing job placement upon successful completion of CR England’s Premier truck driving school.

Don’t wait any longer. This offer is ONLY for classes starting April 30, 2012. Apply now and get started on your truck driving career.

To apply visit

Monday, April 16, 2012

Receive Zero Tuition for April 23, 2012 with C.R. England


Have you ever thought that you would really love to drive a truck, but simply can’t afford the training? After all, truck driving school nowadays usually costs about $3,000. Who can afford that when you don’t have a job.

CR England understands how difficult this can be, which is why we are currently running a promotion that will help you out. If you start truck driving school on April 23, 2012, you can go to school for ZERO TUITION! Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

We understand that sometimes finding the money to pay for truck driving school is difficult and we want to help out. Now, you might ask how can we afford to give away some of the best training in the industry? The answer is that the trucking industry is booming and the freight demand is higher than ever. Simply put, we need drivers. We need drivers and you need a job, so let’s help each other out.

CR England’s Premier truck driving school is a world-class program and is considered to be the best in the trucking industry. Our truck driving school puts a special emphasis on driver safety and efficiency. This three to four week program is a great start to a great career in trucking.

Upon successful completion of CR England’s Premier truck driving school, you are guaranteed a job with C.R. England and you will set out for your on-the-job training with a certified trainer.

To qualify to receive zero tuition, you must agree to a 6 month employment commitment with C.R. England. Upon arrival to CR England’s Premier truck driving school, a $50 administration fee is required.

C.R. England is pleased to offer this special of ZERO TUITION and to do our part in stimulating the employment market by providing training and guaranteeing job placement upon successful completion of CR England’s Premier truck driving school.

Don’t wait any longer. This offer is ONLY for classes starting April 23, 2012. Apply now and get started on your truck driving career.

To apply visit

Friday, April 13, 2012

Healthy Trucker: Making the switch


Keeping a healthy lifestyle while being a truck driver is difficult, and even more difficult is making the switch to a healthy lifestyle. It’s never easy to change your habits. Even if you know it would be in your best interest to change, it’s still hard to actually do it. Even through all the obstacles, don’t give up. There is a way to make the switch.

In trucking, it is extremely easy to just stop at a fast food restaurant for all your meals. Not only is it easy, but it’s convenient. You could eat and be back out on the road in less than 20 minutes. It is true that eating healthy generally takes more work and time, but it is worth it. One thing you can do to help yourself eat healthier is plan your time accordingly.

When you are setting out your trip schedule, plan extra time for shopping at stores where you can buy food. For your lunches, you can try purchasing whole grain bread, lunch meat and healthy fixings for a sandwich. Be sure not to smother it in mayo, but try some avocado instead and pile on the veggies.

If you have a small fridge in your truck you can have everything you need for a quick sandwich right there in your cab and it would actually be quicker than a fast food joint. You wouldn’t even have to leave your truck! To have something along with your sandwich, instead of a bag of potato chips, get some carrots, grapes, apples, or even a salad. This would be a much better lunch choice than a big greasy hamburger with fries. It will be nicer on your wallet too.

Now let’s talk about dinner. As the biggest meal in most people’s diets, dinner is a little more complicated. A sandwich and some carrots aren’t always going to cut it. Most diets require some level of cooking but as a truck driver you don’t always have that luxury. 

If you do go out to eat for dinner, just be careful what you eat. It’s a sad but true fact that what is healthy for you isn’t always the best tasting thing on the menu. When looking at the selections, whether it is fast food or a sit down restaurant, think before you order. If you are having a hard time making a healthy choice, ask yourself if a few minutes of good tasting food is worth all the time you will spend with your health problems. Poor nutrition is one surefire way to poor health.

Making the switch to a healthy diet really boils down to one thing: self-discipline. If you can find a way to curb those cravings for sugars and salt, you will find it easier to change your eating habits. You know it will take longer and you know it will not always taste better, but you also know that it needs to be done. Making the switch to a healthy lifestyle is possible, even in the trucking industry.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Dedicated Truck Driving


As an over the road truck driver, each day is different. From the fright you haul to the customer you are hauling for, things change every day. For some people this is great, they love the variety from day to day. However, there are those who like a certain level of predictability. For those truck drivers, a Dedicated truck driving job is ideal.

CR England’s Dedicated trucking division provides drivers with predictable miles, great income and great home time. Also, with the Dedicated Division, you will always know who you will be hauling for. How does it work? Well, a Dedicated job is just that, dedicated. You are dedicated to one customer and one customer only. You can still travel across the nation, but you would always know who you will be hauling for because it won’t change.

Over the last few years, England’s Dedicated Division has grown significantly and is expected to keep on growing. This means that by working for C.R. England Dedicated, you could have the opportunity to grow with it.

Driving Dedicated provides drivers with a more meaningful life off the road and a greater responsibility on it. Because Dedicated truckers drive for only one customer, their customer service is especially important. Building a client relationship is important for all England drivers, but Dedicated drivers deal with their clients day after day and so need to keep up a good rapport.

CR England is full of truck driving options. Of course, there is the option to drive over the road, but there are also other options such as Regional, Intermodal, and International. The trucking industry is booming and along with it are the massive opportunities for both experienced and inexperienced drivers.

If you want to be a truck driver, but don’t like the thought of the OTR lifestyle, don’t worry, we’ve got opportunities for you.  Be dedicated, live Dedicated and drive Dedicated. To learn more about Dedicated truck driving or CR England’s other truck driving options, visit the C.R. England webpage.

Receive Zero Tuition for April 16, 2012 with C.R. England


Have you ever thought that you would really love to drive a truck, but simply can’t afford the training? After all, truck driving school nowadays usually costs about $3,000. Who can afford that when you don’t have a job.

CR England understands how difficult this can be, which is why we are currently running a promotion that will help you out. If you start truck driving school on April 16, 2012, you can go to school for ZERO TUITION! Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

We understand that sometimes finding the money to pay for truck driving school is difficult and we want to help out. Now, you might ask how can we afford to give away some of the best training in the industry? The answer is that the trucking industry is booming and the freight demand is higher than ever. Simply put, we need drivers. We need drivers and you need a job, so let’s help each other out.

CR England’s Premier truck driving school is a world-class program and is considered to be the best in the trucking industry. Our truck driving school puts a special emphasis on driver safety and efficiency. This three to four week program is a great start to a great career in trucking.

Upon successful completion of CR England’s Premier truck driving school, you are guaranteed a job with C.R. England and you will set out for your on-the-job training with a certified trainer.

To qualify to receive zero tuition, you must agree to a 6 month employment commitment with C.R. England. Upon arrival to CR England’s Premier truck driving school, a $50 administration fee is required.

C.R. England is pleased to offer this special of ZERO TUITION and to do our part in stimulating the employment market by providing training and guaranteeing job placement upon successful completion of CR England’s Premier truck driving school.

Don’t wait any longer. This offer is ONLY for classes starting April 16, 2012. Apply now and get started on your truck driving career.

To apply visit

Monday, April 2, 2012

CR England provides Zero Tuition for April 9, 2012


Have you ever thought that you would really love to drive a truck, but simply can’t afford the training? After all, truck driving school nowadays usually costs about $3,000. Who can afford that when you don’t have a job.

CR England understands how difficult this can be, which is why we are currently running a promotion that will help you out. If you start truck driving school on April 9, 2012, you can go to school for ZERO TUITION! Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

We understand that sometimes finding the money to pay for truck driving school is difficult and we want to help out. Now, you might ask how can we afford to give away some of the best training in the industry? The answer is that the trucking industry is booming and the freight demand is higher than ever. Simply put, we need drivers. We need drivers and you need a job, so let’s help each other out.

CR England’s Premier truck driving school is a world-class program and is considered to be the best in the trucking industry. Our truck driving school puts a special emphasis on driver safety and efficiency. This three to four week program is a great start to a great career in trucking.

Upon successful completion of CR England’s Premier truck driving school, you are guaranteed a job with C.R. England and you will set out for your on-the-job training with a certified trainer.

To qualify to receive zero tuition, you must agree to a 6 month employment commitment with C.R. England. Upon arrival to CR England’s Premier truck driving school, a $50 administration fee is required.

C.R. England is pleased to offer this special of ZERO TUITION and to do our part in stimulating the employment market by providing training and guaranteeing job placement upon successful completion of CR England’s Premier truck driving school.

Don’t wait any longer. This offer is ONLY for classes starting April 9, 2012. Apply now and get started on your truck driving career.

To apply visit

Friday, March 30, 2012

Refrigerated trucking?


In a truck driving job there are many different kinds of freight. You can haul furniture, chips, meat, fruit and vegetables and more. Along with the many types of freight are the many trucking companies that haul it. In the trucking industry, there are some companies that focus on one specific type of freight, such as refrigerated or dry. C.R. England is one of these.

Focusing on, but not limited to, hauling refrigerated or temperature controlled freight, CR England is the nation’s largest refrigerated trucking company. They haul freight from coast to coast and even across the border.

When choosing a truck driving job, you may ask yourself what the difference between a refrigerated carrier and a dry carrier is and why you would want to choose one over the other. What is it that sets refrigerated trucking apart from other types of trucking and what exactly is refrigerated trucking? We have answers for you right here.

Refrigerated freight includes items such as cool whip, meat and fruits and vegetables. Basically, refrigerated items are things that can be damaged if they are not kept at a certain temperature. To control the temperature in you trailer, a reefer unit is attached to it. The reefer will allow you to program a set temperature for your trailer so you can keep your cargo at the proper temperature.

It’s true that temperature controlled freight is a little more complicated than dry freight. When hauling refrigerated, you need to know which temperature your cargo needs to be at all times. With some items, if you get them too cold you can ruin them and at the same time you can’t let them get spoiled by heat. If you do have something that melts or leaks in your trailer it can be messy, but refrigerated trucking is still definitely worth it.

Think about it for a second, with a reefer trailer you can set the temperature to be as cold as you need it, or you can simply turn it off. What this means is that you can haul either refrigerated or dry freight. If you have a dry trailer you cannot haul refrigerated goods. If refrigerated freight is not available, turn off your reefer and take a dry load. The more options you have in what you can haul, the more often you will get to do it.

As said before, there are some negatives about refrigerated trucking, but there are downsides to dry trucking as well. The idea of trucking is to drive as often as you can so you can make more money and a truck driving job with a refrigerated truck driving company will help you do exactly that.

To learn more about the nation’s largest refrigerated trucking company, visit CR England’s webpage and learn how you can start your career in trucking today.