Thursday, June 24, 2010

Identifying Sleep Apnea in Truck Drivers

Last fall, National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) announced it would like the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to start a program helping to identify truck drivers that may by at risk for obstructive sleep apnea.

Some steps requested include the following:

• If truck drivers diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea cannot prove by documentation that they have been treated of such, FMCSA could deny medical certification.

• FMCSA would hand out information and guidelines to help the truck drivers, trucking companies, and their medical doctors recognize high-risk candidates.

• I was surprised at the statistics that truck drivers have a 50% statistic of sleep apnea in those who have average body mass index of 40.0 or more; 35.0 and over considered obese.

In fact, a study commissioned by the FMSCA found that 17.6 percent of truckers studied suffered from mild sleep apnea while 5.8 percent had moderate sleep apnea and 4.7 percent had severe conditions.

In reading the letter, it shows there is only one accident mentioned, due to sleep apnea. The driver ran into a highway patrol officer, killing him instantly. Though this is a very sad story, one must ask them self if it is enough documentation to hold back a truck driver’s medical certification because he may be at risk.


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